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Mark Bellecero

September 20, 1967
October 9, 2024
September 20, 1967

Mark Bellecero passed away on the 9th of December surrounded by friends and family.

A funeral will be held on December 18th, 2024 at 4:00 PM EST at the Goldtown Lutheran Chruch, the service will be officiated by coulee_sucks. Mark will be interred after the service at the church's cemetery.

A visitation will be held from December 12th to December 15th all day at Cedar Memorial's Robloxity location.

Born September 20th, 1967, Mark's life was a rather calm and pieceful one. Grwoing up in La Crosse W,I after graduating school he took a job as a Jr Deptuty with the Lacrosse County Sheriff for a short period of time. Mark then enlisted in the army, climbing up in ranks til he honorasbly discharged at the rank of Private 1st Class. After leaving the army he took the job of a welder before ultimately moving back into law enforcement this time in Vernon County as a Depty. He worked that job for a number of years before quitting and starting the Midwest Wilbert Burial Vault Company a company he ran til he passed away.

Outside of work he married Ashley Foster, for whom he went on to have one child, his son Brandeon, Mark was also the pastor of the Goldtown Lutheran Church on sundays. He is survived by his wife Ashley, and his son Brandeon.


Goldtown Lutheran Church

Cedar Memorial of Robloxity

Mark Bellecero

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©2019 by Cedar Memorial of ROBLOX.

Disclaimer: Cedar Memorial of Roblox is a group on the Roblox platform and not ran by Roblox Official. We are also not affiliated with any real-life funeral homes.

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