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Frequently Asked Questions
We at Cedar Memorial understand that the subject is confusing, so we have listed below some of the commonly asked questions we get a lot about what we do.
Q: Who is a Roblox funeral for?
A: The answer to this depends on the context, the service is designed for the friends and family of the person who the funeral was arranged for. In terms of what kind of people, the answer is A close friend of yours who has retired their account on Roblox or an RP character that you are associated with.
Q: Do I have to utilize a funeral group?
A: The short and simple answer to this is no. Funeral groups exist to give assistance to people wishing to do funerals for a player, friend, or family member and provide professional guidance and skills for the public. This doesn't however mean they are a necessity when one wants a funeral.
Q: Can I pre-arrange a service for myself?
A: Yes, you can very much arrange a funeral for your self, it's actually recommended you do this as it allows you better control over what you want rather than leaving your friends to guess at what you would have wanted.
Q: If I choose a funeral group, can I provide my own items?
A: While this depends on the firm you go with, most won't have an issue with you supplying your own items. The exception to this is the caskets, while you can supply your own, the firm you choose tend to have the best caskets for their maps with a decent quality to them.
Q: What are the rules that apply to a funeral on Roblox.
A: The general rule of thumb for proper etiquette is what is called "common sense rules". First off you must abide by the Roblox codes of conduct, but also think about what is acceptable in real life and what consequences a certain action can bring on. That will give you a good consensus of what is acceptable and what is not.
Q: With player accounts, is the actual avatar used?
A:Yes, the avatar is used in the form of an NPC, but the avatar is used.
Q: Am I only able to hold funerals on maps specific to the activity?
A: There is no rule stating you can't have a funeral anywhere you want, the only limit to this is if the owner of the map will allow you.
Q: Can anyone do this job?
A: The answer is a grey area. Yes anyone can start this, but no not everyone will be professional at it. Most firms you see are trained in this work and do it IRL or have been trained by someone with IRL experience. The job its self is not an easy one and shouldn't be approached with a partial mind though.
Q: If I choose the funeral group route do the services cost?
A: This depends on the firm you choose, some charge, some don't.
Q: When I want to retire my account, what advice is there?
A: The answer to this one is long and complex, so a simplified version is this. Depending on what you want to have happened, the most recommended things to do are as follow:
1) Give ample warning, announce the impending retirement to friends and group members.
2) Designate what you want to be done with your account after you retire it.
3) Make sure you transfer ownership of groups you may have.
4) Never sell your account, that is highly prohibited on Roblox and may result in you and the person you sell your account to getting permanently banned from the site.
Q: Is there a right way and a wrong way to do a funeral on Roblox?
A: What is acceptable on Roblox largely depends on your own ideas, no two people have the same ideas of what is right and what is wrong so go with your gut.
Q: What is the industry opinion on "Revenge Funerals"?
A: Services arranged and intended to be antagonistic, insulting, are done to get back at a player, and or are in protest of a certain thing are highly frowned upon by most professionals. A service is meant to give a well-mannered goodbye to a mate, not give them the proverbial middle finger because they wronged you.
Q: What if I want to have a service for a famous person, is that possible?
A: Short of doing all the work your self no, most funeral homes that run under the Roblox Funeral Directors Assoctiation's guidelines heed the rule set forth by roblox and the RFDA to not hold funerals for real life people, for manner of privacy, and respect for the decedent and their family.
Q: What all can happen at a Roblox funeral?
A: Anything your heart can muster, as long as it's not too inappropriate.
Q: Is requesting a funeral through a group like ordering food, or what is it like?
A: Funerals are complex and very detailed. No firm will allow you to order a funeral like you order McDonald's, in fact, using "Order" when you talk about requesting a funeral isn't even a good representative term.
Depending on the firm you choose you may need to go in and arrange the service, choose the items, and you draw out the details. Some firms may not even allow next day funerals because of all the work that is involved.
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