Arranging a funeral.
We know how hard it can be to make decisions and focus on the details. That’s why we’re here to guide you on this journey. At Cedar Memorial of ROBLOX, you’ll benefit from the experience and wisdom of our caring staff.
The Arrangement and Funeral Process
Let us start off with some things to understand about arranging a funeral through Cedar Memorial on Roblox:
We are not a real funeral home, you have to have an account on Roblox to arrange a funeral with us.
Funerals for real-life people technically fall under the Roblox T.O.S rules about personal information, thus we do not do them.
Our services cost money to cover the basic fees of running a group such as advertising and employee payouts.
We do not accept any real-life currency for any product or service we provide.
You MUST have permission from the account owner or person who played the character you are requesting a funeral for to be able to arrange such services.
With those disclaimers out of the way here is how the ROBLOXian funeral process works:
The process begins by sending in a request to us, you can do so by clicking HERE and filling out our request form. Once your form is picked up you will receive a contact from one of our funeral directors, we will do our best to contact you however we can but you need to make it where we can contact you if you haven't already. Once a time and date are agreed to meet you will be taken to one of our various locations to arrange the funeral or if you so choose for various reasons we can do the arrangement over Discord.
During the arrangement, you will be asked several questions for us to be able to get all information necessary. Some of the information we gather and why are as follows:
Your username and the name you wish us to use for the decedent, for record keeping as well as use in funeral times, obituaries, and more.
Your time zone as to set dates and more in accordance with your schedule.
Appearance information about the decedent to allow us to create an NPC and prepare them how you wish them displayed.
Funerary items such as the casket or coffin you wish to be used and all necessary appearance details.
The location of the funeral, visitation, and disposition you want.
Key individuals that you wish to speak at the service.
This is not an exhaustive list but it should give you a general idea of what will be asked.
The arrangement process takes around about 30 minutes to an hour and a half to fully do, so this is a meeting you need to plan on attending and not just pop in quickly to do, this is due to the exhaustive amount of information needed to do our job properly. Once the arrangements are made key events will happen within the days leading up to the funeral unless they are not applicable.
An obituary will be posted to the website, Discord, and our official Twitter account.
You will receive an obituary notice to send to friends, post on your games or other areas you wish, and serves as a formal invite.
The body will be prepared and displayed at the location of your choice for the in-state visitation. This runs the days up to the funeral and gives a chance for you and your friends to view the body before the service as all services are closed casket.
Necessary items such as the memorial folder, casket, headstone, and more are created and set up as needed.
Any necessary venues are arranged and set up.
Let us now talk about payments, as you are probably wondering how much we charge.
Here at Cedar Memorial of Roblox, we charge for our funerals to be able to pay for such things as advertising, business slots in groups we work with, payroll for our staff, and more. We do this by means of two methods, you can choose from either our Mandatory Funeral Charge or our Estimated Value of services. The Mandatory charge is the required payment, it is set currently at R$5 for services but doesn't include selected extras and fees for outside venues and or individuals like Clergy whom you wish to work the service. On average most funerals don't go more than this but with extras, it could reach as high as R$300+.
The Estimated Value is an optional charge that replaces the mandatory charge we give for people who wish to pay what the funeral is worth, the value is set by us as compared to similar prices found in real life for caskets, base service charges, and more. The estimated value starts at R$5,400 but can rise to as high as R$200,000 depending on the options chosen. With either of these price options, you as the client are not expected to pay upfront but rather payment is to be due at the time of the funeral unless other arrangements are made. For more information, you can find our GPL on our merchandise page to see a breakdown of what everything costs.
On the day of the funeral, events will occur as planned out by the family as well as the funeral staff.
Staff such as the funeral director will often arrive 5-10 minutes before the funeral to set up the map, guests would arrive at the set start time on the obituary and the funeral will start shortly after. After the funeral service and depending on locations guests will either proceed to their vehicles or be teleported to the map where vehicles are waiting. Once everyone is ready the body, immediate friends, and staff will proceed in procession with other guests to the place of disposition. After the services conclude people are not expected to view the body as it is taken care of but can if they so wish, if not people are free to leave at their leisure.
Finally to clear up a few things about what we do here is some information:
At Cedar Memorial we do not delete bodies on our maps unless they are requested to be deleted by the client or account holder, the same goes for any changes as well. In regards to real-life people as mentioned earlier, Roblox states the following on their terms of service:
" As you know, Roblox wants to create a safe space for all its users, so we do not allow you to share any personal information about yourself such as your name, where you live, or your email address."
We here at Cedar Memorial consider real-life people such as your grandparents, parents, etc... to fall under this idea of private information and such will not allow funerals for them through our group, there are a few caveats to this though.
As a means to better serve you, we ask for your Time Zone, this is kept on our records we keep and isn't given out to anyone unless they are from Roblox, a government entity, or you as the client requests to see this information.
If the person who has died happens to have an account on Roblox, we will do a service for their account, but we will not mention the account owner's death as a means of respect for their privacy.​​​​